Chapter 2          WATCHMEN OF ZION


                           Upon your walls, 0 Jerusalem,

                           I have set watchmen;

                           all the day and all the night

                           they shall never be silent.

                        You who put the Lord in remembrance,

                                   take no rest,

                                and give him no rest

                           until he establishes Jerusalem

                           and makes it a praise in the earth.     

                                                                 -Isaiah 62


         A Church Made Ready


             The redemptive work that needs to be done on earth at this hour is

         not going to be accomplished by individual heroes. It is going to be

         done by the Body. The need is not for one or two flaming prophets, but

         for a living, burning church. A church that is truly a city set on a

         hill, truly a habitation of God. A church where the glory of God is so

         bright, the atmosphere so charged with His presence, that it literally

         draws into its midst the poor and the maimed and the halt and the blind.


             We've been praying for all kinds of goodies for our private

         ministries, But when it comes to the church, the Body of Christ, we've

         been satisfied with far too little, If we have a good crowd, if there's

         a warm feeling and the singing goes well, we are content that the

         church is in good shape. Yet, time and time again, we leave the assembly

         only to be met by lepers we cannot heal and blind and to whom we can give

         no sight, troubled souls we cannot seem to quiet with God's peace,

         seekers who are unable to find their way through our words to God. This

         is not just an individual problem. This is a corporate problem, a sign

         that something is missing in the Body. The fact that we come away from

         fellowship to become victims of habits and fears and vanities that have

         defeated us countless times before is a symptom of disease in the Body



                      Husbands, love your wives, as Christ loved the

                      church and gave himself up for her, that he

                      might sanctify her, having cleansed her by the

                      washing of water with the word, that he might

                      present the church to himself in splendor, with-

                      out spot or wrinkle or any such thing, that she

                      might be holy and without blemish.


             How are we going to reconcile this picture of splendor, this sanctified,

         clean, holy people with the church as we know it and function in it?

         The Spirit is calling for a church at this hour that is not this spotted,

         wrinkled, mediocre thing we've been accustomed to being. The Spirit is

         calling for a church that is holy and without blemish, that functions

         as a healthy Body and really manifests the nature of God. The kind of

         church we considered satisfactory in the past just is not satisfactory

         now. The club atmosphere, the superficial piety, the unbelief, vanity,

         lack of commitment that we considered normal in the past will satisfy

         neither our God nor the need of the hour. If we cannot have a church

         that manifests Jesus Christ in its behavior, touches heaven in its

         worship, literally burns with God's love, let's admit that we are

         better off with nothing than with this spiritless mediocrity that has

         filled our past years.


         The Lord Has To Do It


             It is impossible for us to transform ourselves into a church where

         God is truly present. If we are to be a church where people stepping

         into the assembly know that they've come into the courts of heaven,

         Jesus himself has to bring this about. We can have meetings and com-

         mittees and retreats and wonderful intentions. But until Jesus himself

         comes into our midst and turns our darkness to light, we are still a

         wedding feast without wine. "On this rock I will build my church."

         Only the Lord himself can build, sanctify, cleanse, or send forth his

         Spirit upon the church.


             And he will, provided there are some people who really desire

         these things. Jesus did not turn the water into wine until Mary came

         asking. Nor did he heal until he saw some desire for healing. When

         he picked out the man at the pool of Bethesda he did not heal until he

         first asked, "Do you want to be healed?" As long as we are satisfied

         to bumble on, simply not bothered enough to cry out to God for more

         than this, this is exactly what we're going to have and nothing more.


             Thank God, however, that voices are starting to be raised to

         heaven at this hour, pleading, begging, pounding on the door, demanding,

         pestering, holding God to his promise, refusing to be still, until God

         establishes Zion and makes her a praise in the earth; until her vindication

         goes forth as brightness and her salvation as a burning torch.


                      Upon your walls, 0 Jerusalem,

                                I have set watchmen;

                      all the day and all the night

                            they shall never be silent.


                   You who put the Lord in remembrance,

                        take no rest,

                     and give him no rest

                        until he establishes Jerusalem

                        and makes it a praise on the earth.


         The Call For Watchmen


             To those reading these words who are satisfied with things as they

         are in the church of Jesus Christ there is very little to say, except,

         sleep on! If you really believe that the Body of Christ as you see it and

         fit into it is satisfactory to God and sufficient for the work that needs

         to be done, good luck to you. But to those who are dissatisfied, who

         know that what we now are, what we are now accomplishing, the life we now

         offer to men in the name of Christ is not enough, comes the call to be

         watchmen. The need is for watchmen, male and female, to put the Lord in

         remembrance, to take no rest and give him no rest until he establishes

         Jerusalem and makes her a praise in the earth.


             The need is for watchmen with vision. People who see beyond their

         own narrow little program to the church that is in the mind and heart

         of Jesus himself, the church the Lord will have before the marriage

         supper can possibly begin.


             We have to have the vision to see a church that shines with the

         splendor of God. Not the splendor of magnificent buildings or fine robes

         or eloquence or riches or political power, but the splendor of Jesus

         Christ reflected in the faces and the voices and daily living of his

         followers. The splendor of saints literally being changed from one de-

         gree of glory to another by the Spirit of the Lord.


             We need the vision to see a church that is pure. Not merely pure

         in doctrine. Not pure in what we think to be the New Testament pattern,

         but pure in heart. Like a pure wife whose heart undividedly belongs to

         her husband. Like a wife who loves her husband more than herself. A

         church where the believers never rave about what a wonderful community

         they have, but only about Jesus.


             We need the vision to see a church that is clothed in righteous

         deeds. “It was granted her to be clothed with fine linen bright and

         pure. For the fine linen is the righteous deeds of the saints.” A

         church where the lives of the saints truly match their message, where

         the conversation, the handling of money, the imagination, the moral

         life is Christ-like.


             Such a vision is too big to be confined to our own little fellow-

         ship or our side of town or even our city or nation or culture. This

         church embraces Chinese disciples, Russian disciples, African disciples,

         Latino disciples.


             The need is for watchmen, who having received the vision, are per—

         sistent in praying for its fulfillment. Very little can be accomplished

         by those who are excited today and asleep tomorrow. Watchmen, (not

         sightseers), who stay awake, take no rest and give God no rest until he

         establishes Zion and makes her a praise in the earth. In season and out

         of season, summer and winter, good weather and bad.


             We are being called to be persistent in our private prayers,

         persistent in our daily living, persistent in corporate worship, per-

         sistent in corporate ministry. Pounding on heaven’s door now while

         the opposition is light so that we may continue to be persistent when

         it starts getting heavy.


             “Oh, but it’s not my nature to be persistent.” Bless your heart,

         neither was it Peter’s nature to be persistent. But he learned. And

         so will you.


             The need is for watchmen who are always expectant. They’re not

         just pounding on heaven’s door to make a racket. They expect that door

         to open. They know it will open. "Lord God, we will take no rest nor

         will we give you rest until you establish Zion and make her a praise in

         the earth, until you bring the vision to pass."


             Death in the Body comes from our lack of expectancy, which is often

         hidden under marvelous prayers and radiant smiles and wonderful

         utterances of praise. But God knows very well that we are not expecting

         the beautiful things we’re asking for. When Mary came to Jesus asking

         for wine for the wedding feast, she expected results. “Whatever he

         tells you to do, do it,” she said to the servants, in spite of a rather

         unclear answer from her son. And the Canaanite woman expected healing

         for her daughter, in spite of the unfriendly reception she got from

         Jesus and the disciples. She knew he would do it!


             Nothing pleases our Lord more than people who come to him just

         knowing that he will indeed give them life. He loves to be pestered

         by people who hang on to him and refuse to let go of him until he blesses.

         And there is nothing he waits to hear more eagerly these days than the

         prayers of those who plead with him to establish Zion and make her a

         praise in the earth.


              The call is for the watchmen to take their places on the walls of

         Zion and lift up their eyes until they see the vision of the New

         Jerusalem coming down out of heaven like a bride adorned for her husband,

         and who will take no rest and give God no rest until the vision comes to
