And now,
Lord, look upon their threats,
For all our talk about getting out with the gospel,
for all the
logical reasons we give for lingering within real reason for the hesitancy that rules our ministries is that we're afraid.
So were the
apostles. In the description of Pentecost
There came a sound from heaven like the rush of a mighty wind and it filled all the house where they were sitting.
They were
still in that house when split tongues of
We are told
that a multitude came together - that
When the Holy
Spirit entered them, the Word of God
There was no hesitancy,
no self-consciousness.
When this
happened, they couldn't stay in the house
Nobody said to them, ''You must preach God's word! You must get out there in the street!''
They were
compelled from within to do these things.
Certainly we
have to exhort each other to get out there
Of course we
have to shake ourselves when our fellow-
- when people
respond and when they don't. But
As long as the
Word of the living God sticks in our
our buildings
and whimper to each other. We have nothing
But when the
boldness comes, then the Word of God will
lips and we
will not only speak to one another in psalms
When the
boldness comes, you have to preach the word.
"Woe to me if I preach not the gospel."
It's not the boldness of flesh, not the boldness of our over-active ego,
not the
boldness of ambition, but the boldness
What has to
happen in order for that boldness to come
- so that we're delivered from our self-
our timidity,
- so that these mouths begin to speak as
- so that we're not ashamed to tell the
Some of us
seem to think we have to tarry a little longer. the Lord is ready, He'll give us a Pentecost."
We seem to
think we're doing the waiting. Whereas,
1. The boldness of God comes to those who are dead to self.
In the
dimension of the holy, the opposite of boldness
While the
boldness of this world may come from a big
"I have been crucified with Christ. It is
"You are dead, your life is hid with Christ
2. The
boldness of God comes to those who are really
Those believers were gathered together on Pentecost,
- not to pursue "the deeper life", - not to develop themselves spiritually,
but because
Jesus told them to tarry in Jerusalem. They
God does not
pour out His Spirit upon those who make a
If you love
me, keep my commandments and even the Spirit of Truth.
Now when
they saw the boldness of Peter
common men, they wondered
"Keep my
commandments. Walk with me, and I will con-
3. The boldness of God comes to those who look to
Pentecost saints did not just receive boldness
"And now, Lord, look upon their threats and grant to thy servants to speak thy word with all boldness."
How come they
had to ask again? Didn't they get bold-
"And when
they had prayed, the place in
Weren't they
already filled? How come they had to be
The boldness
of God is never something we have as a
4. Finally, boldness comes to
those who carry a cross -
didn't make Paul bitter - it made him more
make Stephen
turn and run - it made him more bold,
We're hardly carrying a cross,
- when fear of losing some friends,
- fear of
spoiling our big, bad reputation, - fear of rejection,
keeps us from
speaking what God has put on our hearts
At the root of
every excuse we dream up from our cowardice Jesus to Calvary.
"Take my yoke upon you and learn from me,
What is that yoke of Jesus but a cross?
"My yoke is easy and my burden is light",
because it delivers us from fear and timidity.
Of course
we're going to be persecuted.
believers didn't pray, "And now, Lord, look upon
They prayed, "Look upon their threats and send down fire from heaven on us that we might speak thy word with boldness."
The day of the Casper Milktoast Christian is over.
There will be
plenty of room for Casper Milktoast in
He will give
us boldness, if we want it badly enough