The word of the Lord came to
me: "Son of man,
hill; my sheep were scattered
over all the face Ezekiel 31:1-6
When we come into the kingdom of God it's like finding
"At last I know what I'm here to do!"
Like a man who's been sick for years lying
around in
The refreshing thing about having
a constant influx of
"God, give me a fresh dose of that!"?
But as the new ones keep pouring in....
- thank God for them, - thank God for their enthusiasm,
among those of us who have been in the
kingdom for a
fought our way through a few battles,
While the new ones are elated, confident, .
bold, as they come crashing in cautious, more and more concerned about ourselves.
Thus says the Lord God: Ho,
shepherds of Israel
"Lord, I've done my stint.
How bout giving me a break
And so we dream about getting a
plot of land by a quiet
into our career, even our resentments.
Thus begins what could be called
the inward spiral. It's
"This is great.
I don't even have to row my
We haven't noticed that we're
merely going around in a
By the time we realize what's
happening we're so far strength, thought is consumed on self.
And when a life which once served God with carefree aban- don curves back in upon itself ... thinks of almost nothing else ... what can this be but a foretaste of hell.
I charge you in the presence
of God and of Christ
when people will not endure
sound teaching, but
For I am already on the point
of being sacrificed; the righteous judge, will award to me on that Day, and not only to me but also to all who have loved his appearing.
Do your best to come to me
soon. For Demas, in II Timothy 4:1-lla
Against the background of people
getting sucked down
kingdom to do their own thing, Paul keeps the faith
- Preach the word.
- Be urgent in season and out of
season. - Endure suffering.
- Do the work of an evangelist.
But what do we do if we're
already halfway down into the
There was a critical point not long after the resur- rection when some of the disciples were in danger of reverting to their old life. They'd been through some strenuous days. First came the shock of seeing the Lord
mobbed and killed.
Then came the joyful shock, but
Simon Peter said to them, "'I'm going fishing." They said to him, "We will go with you." They went out and got into the boat; but that night they caught nothing. John 21:3
...This tendency to return to our old life ... to crawl
Just as day was breaking,
Jesus stood on the
to haul it in, for the
quantity of fish. That far from the land, but about a hundred yards off.
When they got out on land,
they saw a charcoal
Nobody can deliver those men
from this inward spiral of
"What are you doing fishing
again? I thought
No --- he calls them again with
a sign. The same sign
When they had finished
breakfast, Jesus said to
He said to him, "Tend my
sheep." He said to "Feed my sheep." John 21:1;-17
"Which life is it going to be
Peter, your old life or
"Lord, you know that I love you!"
"Feed my lambs. Get your eyes back on me and return to the work I have given you to do.... my lambs."
To those of us who, in our
hearts, have gone back to our
"Children, have you any fish? How's it going?"
"Not so good" we answer.
"Cast the net on the right side of the boat!"
Jesus gives us some arresting
sign of his presence. Some
"Come and dine!"
We have fellowship with him in
the breaking of bread...
Then comes the question,
"Do you love me more than this
old life you've
"Lord, you know that I love you!"
"Feed my sheep ... Go out there
and start serving
Notice Peter didn't answer,
"What sheep, Lord? What are you talking about?"
He knew .... and so do we.
- They're at our gate. - They line the path of our daily life. - They crowd into our minds as we try to pray.
His sheep ... who need the word we already have, the encouragement we have the power to give.
The word of the Lord came to
me: "Son of man,
been feeding yourselves! Should
not shepherds
selves with the wool, you
slaughter the fatlings; for them." Ezekiel 34:1-6
Now, if we will, we can reverse
the inward spiral of our
"Do you love me more than these?"
"Lord, you know than I love you."