I do not pray for these only, but also for
those who believe in me through their
that they may all be one; even as thou,
Father, art in me, and I in thee, that they
also may be in us, so that the world may
believe that thou hast sent me.
--John 17
The Congregation
It is generally agreed that when the Spirit of the Lord broods over
his people on this planet, he does not recognize the walls that we raise
between this group of disciples and that. He sees his church as one.
“So we, though many, are one body in Christ, and individually members
one of another.” Moreover it is obvious that it would be utterly pre-
sumptuous for a particular Body of believers to point to itself and say,
“We are the church, and we alone.”
Yet, up to now, the only place where we could see what this one
church on earth is really like was in the congregation, the local
assembly of believers. The congregation is the basic unit. It is like
the family into which a child is born. Just as surely as a newborn
child, if left to itself dies; and just as surely as an adult marooned
on a rock in the middle of the ocean loses his grip on reality as soon
as hope of some human relationship is gone, so the solitary believer
without brothers and sisters to function with talk to, pray with, love
and be loved by, soon dies spiritually.
The congregation is the workshop where God forms and molds and
hammers and bends the saints into the likeness of his Son. The congre-
gation is the armory where believers are equipped and sent forth to do
battle with the evil one and to spread the good news that Jesus is Lord.
Each of us is attached to some congregation where we are responsible to
carry our share of the corporate work God has given us. To pray for
each other, comfort each other, exhort and encourage each other. The
congregation is our home, our base of operation. We thank God that he
has set us in the midst of these brothers and sisters.
The City
But as the Lord looks down upon the city,
(or village, or country-
side), where we live, and sees it as a place that needs to hear his
sees it as another Sodom or Gomorrah or Nineveh or Jerusalem -- he also
sees his church in this place as one. The Lord sees not so many congre—
gations with so many members each. He sees his church, his Body in our
city. If the metropolitan area or rural valley where we live and work
is really going to hear the gospel, the sound of the gospel will have to
go forth from the church in this place. Not from a certain dynamic
congregation over here or a certain forceful preacher over there, but
the Body which the Spirit of God has raised up and unified in the city
where we dwell. Until there is such a Body and until it actually has
such unity, until every division of flesh, self, pride, fear, doctrine,
bigotry has been removed, and the church in our city is one, there
will be no clear witness to the death, resurrection and lordship of
Jesus Christ in this place.
the situation as it exists in every metropolitan area in
this land. Hundreds of congregations of believers that, regardless of
the lip service they pay to the universal church, actually exist as
churches unto themselves. They all claim to serve the same Jesus.
Yet this congregation goes this way and that congregation goes that way.
Their paths never come together. Their hands never join in common work.
They experience no fellowship. And each group excuses itself by point-
ing to the differences. “What do we have in common with those noisy
holy rollers?” Or, “It feels like the North Pole when those gloom and
doom super disciples come into the meeting!” Or, “Those people are
too institutional!” So the evil one has things pretty much his way.
Congregations of believers, each doing its own thing. Often highly
critical of each other, suspicious of each other, or openly competing
with each other. And we aren’t even ashamed before God! It doesn’t
even trouble us.
God does not measure the church in our city by the kinds of crowds
that come to fellowship. God measures the church in our city by the
kind of witness that goes forth. And on that basis there are few
places indeed that can describe the church in their city in any other
way than sick.
The church in our city is sick because it is satisfied with things
as they are. “For you say, I am rich, I have prospered, and I need
nothing; not knowing that you are wretched, pitiable, poor, blind, and
naked.” We seem to be satisfied if our particular congregation pros-
pers even though hundreds of flocks across the town are blighted.
Can we believe that Jesus is satisfied? We are satisfied to go on our
way as if everything is fine in spite of the fact that there is almost
no unity between black believers and white believers in our town.
We’re satisfied to enjoy our meetings and Bible studies in spite of
the fact that there is almost no witness to Jesus Christ out there on
those streets. We seem to be satisfied even though healings and other
signs of the Kingdom are few and far
If it is really the Holy Spirit who descends on our meetings it
would seem reasonable to expect him to move hearts to see those things
the way our Lord sees them. Would it not seem likely that he would
make us dissatisfied with things as they are? Is it not almost a
certainty that the Holy Spirit would trouble us until we repent of the
pride, the self—righteousness, envy, competition in us which have
worked against the purposes of God in our city?
It is the conviction of the writer that the time has come when the
Spirit of God is forcing assemblies of believers to decide whether they
will fit in with the rest of the church in their city to get the job
or whether they will go their own way and rot. Nor is it a matter of
certain “apostles” coming in from Los Angeles, New York or Hong Kong
pull the church in Cleveland together. It is rather a matter of be-
lievers in every congregation in Cleveland answering the voice of the
Spirit of God as he calls them to wake up, open their eyes, put away
childish things and start doing what needs doing at this hour.
The Vision
God is giving his people in every city on earth at this hour a
vision of the unity around the cross of his Son we must have, We need
to see that vision. Look beyond your own spiritual life. Look beyond
your own fellowship. And see the church that God is bringing together
in your city and every other city on earth. The world will believe
that Jesus was God—sent when it sees unity in his church in your city.
When it sees believers letting go of their favorite doctrines, putting
their fleshly loyalties behind them, renouncing their bigotry and
coming together around the cross of Jesus Christ.
Picture saints from every part of town, every
doctrinal position,
every race and tongue, every economic level, every alley and lane
made one at the wounded side of the Lamb. This must come to pass before
your city can be told with any authority that Jesus is the Christ.
brothers and sisters weeping in repentance for their hardness
of heart toward each other, coming together in the name of Jesus and
getting things right, forgiving each other, loving each other, taking
off their masks and laying aside their grudges.
We need to pray for the vision’s fulfillment and expect an answer.
Our Lord prayed, “that they all may be one.” Now we join our prayer
to his before the Father. For the fulfillment of the vision is
directly tied to the prayers of God’s people. The vision will not be
fulfilled until we are dissatisfied enough with things as they are to
start pounding on the Father’s door for unity in his church in our
“0 God, bring your people together. Father
God, break down the walls we have raised and
can’t seem to dismantle! 0 Spirit, gather
the saints to Calvary. Deal with those things
in us that are blocking unity with brothers
and sisters!”
We need to fit into the vision in our daily life. Once we have
seen the vision of one church in our city, we can no longer be innocent
about working only for our own group. Many things that seemed right and
good in the past will be seen as sin, because they ignore other brothers
and sisters. Our conversation about believers on the other side of
town, the conclusions we jump to concerning their motives, our hesitancy
to join them in spreading the word....all this will begin to change as
we fit into the vision God has given us.
And as we all fit into the vision, the sound of the Shepherd’s voice
will begin to be heard from his Body in our city as never before. This
city will hear Jesus speaking through his church, his one church....his
living church. And this will be one more sign that the hour is late and
that the Lord is coming soon.