But at midnight there was a cry, "Behold, the bridegroom! Come out to meet him." Then all those maidens rose and trimmed their lamps. And the foolish said to the wise, "Give us some of your oil, for our lamps are going out." But
wise replied, "Perhaps there will not be enough for yourselves." And while they went to buy, the bridegroom came, and those who were ready went in with him to the marriage feast; and the door was shut. Matthew 25:6-10
When we first enter the Kingdom
of God we're given a few suspension. It's a holiday. God wants us to enjoy it. It's like the feast for the prodigal son,
and drinking,
But then the feast comes to an
end and the prodigal son So when the honeymoon with God ends we now have to start bringing the glory of God down into human life. We have to do this in three areas:
1. Into our dealings with people.
Every believer knows we have to translate our vision of divine mercy into a merciful walk in our dealings with other people.
Every believer knows we have to
apply our faith in God
But not every believer
understands that our walk with
If the bridegroom had come as
soon as the foolish virgins
When the book of Revelation was
written it contained
In the natural world this is understandable.
- Our bodies grow old,
- our
eye muscles weaken,
- our
joints get stiff. But in the realm of
faith fresher with every year that passes.
"Though my 'outer man is wasting away, my inner man is being renewed day by day."
Paul could say that because he
knew how to cope with the
The press of time affects us in different ways.
- The prisoner and the invalid
feel the heaviness going on and on like this is depressing.
"If only the years would pass and I could get out of here!"
- Others feel the press of time in that they simply have too much to do. They can't get it all done and become overwhelmed and demoralized.
But whether time seems to be
going too fast or too slow,
There is the temptation of slothfulness.
"The master has gone into a far country. He won't be back for a long while so I might as well bury my talent and relax."
"The day of
reckoning is so far away, why
There is the temptation of anxiety.
"This river of time which takes
me toward with tomorrow's evil?"
"What if I get sick?
There is the temptation of vain ambition.
"I have to achieve something; I have to leave some mark on this world before I sink into oblivion."
"Time keeps flying by and
I still haven't Often our vain ambitions drive us beneath a cloak of Christian piety...
- The ambition to achieve status in my fellowship.
- The ambition to build a church
or a movement
The temptation of triviality.
Because the householder has gone
into a far
- What shall we eat?
- What shall we drink?
- Whole going to win the Rose
Our Lord lived under the press of
time just as we do yet anxiety, vain ambition, triviality. He lived with His feet on the ground, took care of business, and somehow sanctified the flow of time as He moved with it. - He hallowed it. - He made it count.
Notice how conscious He was of time...
Now after John was arrested,
Jesus came into of God is at hand; repent and believe in the gospel." Mark 1:14-15
"I came to cast fire upon the earth; and would that it were already kindled! I have a baptism to be baptized with; and how I am constrained until it is accomplished!..." Luke 12:49-50
"We must work the works of him
who sent me,
"Are there not twelve hours in
the day?
How is it that, conscious as Jesus is of the press of time He's never in a hurry, and He never dawdles. Every moment is filled with holy peace...and every moment counts.
One way of describing our Lord's
astonishing handling of trying to crush Him, it was something holy. It was a living stream carrying Him on in the will of His Father.
"Are there not twelve hours in the day? - Let's fill them.
- Let's work the works of
him who sent me, - Let's worship the Father in spirit and in truth."
And if we let him Jesus will take us into the realm of
time every day where we will experience the
1. We need to let Jesus bring us into the
realm of
- How do you deny yourself, take
up your cross
- How do you ask the Father for your daily bread? - Daily prayer.
"You don't understand, I'm really busy!"
And my friend you'll always be too busy to pray, you'll always be short of time, until you learn to enter the realm of sanctified time by prayer.
have so
much to do today," a believer
Follow Jesus to the place where
you see time brought under
2. We need to walk with the Lord in the realm of sanctified time through watchfulness.
"But of that day or that hour
no one knows,
It is like a man going on a
journey, when
And what I say to you I say to all: Watch." Mark 13:32-37
I need to stay awake and be alert to every situation of God so I don't miss it...God may want me to change my plans today:
On the other hand, if Satan wants
me to change my plans
If I'm watching,
- I won't be as likely to slip
into self-pity, - or the distracting enchantment of some fantasy.
If I'm watching, - my thinking will be clear, - my emotions will be tied to reality, - the flow of time in my life will be holy.
3. We need to enter the realm of sanctified time through labor.
"We must work the works of him
who sent me
Work - steady,
well done work in the place where
we are puts us
Sometimes we feel overwhelmed by
all that seems to be
And while they went to buy,
the bridegroom Matthew 25:10
The press of time will, sooner or
later, destroy those who are waiting for the bridegroom, but haven't taken the trouble to get oil ... to get out of the pressure cooker and into the realm of sanctified time. - God's time.
- God's
"We must work the works of him who sent me while it is day, night comes when no one can work."
The daylight of God is closer to
us than the air we when night comes when no one can work our lamps will still be burning and take us right on into the marriage supper of the Lamb.