not desired, but a body
hast thou prepared for Hebrews 10:5-7
Most of the crowd spread
their garments on the Matthew 21:8-11
On the surface it looks
as though everything is fitting intent on doing his own thing.
- The multitudes are shouting praises because they think they've found a king to throw off the Roman yoke.
- The religious establishment, watching this display of joy, hardens into a decision, "This guy's got to go ... he must be killed. This cannot be allowed to go any farther."
- The disciples are rejoicing because they are sure now--that they bet on the right horse. They're in on the ground floor of a new regime.
Judas, with the shrewdness of a serpent, can see that things are about to fall apart.... "I'm getting out ...I'm getting off this boat before it sinks."
And in every case,
except Jesus, the question that Are my needs being met?
One man in this heaving sea of humanity ... one man is being led on by the prayer which has ruled his heart since the beginning,
"Your will, Father.. I have come to do your will. I'm on my way to fulfill your purpose..
I see the cross up ahead
and I chose it.
A week from now this
city will have put
itself under
"Blessed is he who comes
in the name of
A week from this Palm
Sunday celebration the only
He will have resurrection life, incorruptible life, contagious earth-shaking life, because he went to the cross saying,
will, Father, but
your will. I've come
And he will gather his little band of disciples and
raise them from the dead by washing their sin in his
shed "Lo, I come to do Your will, 0 God,"
teaching them to carry their
crosses as he carried his.
In simplest terms ... the
ones who survived Palm
"Not my will, but your will: ... your will. I have come to do your will 0 Lord,"
and to live that way. These were the ones who received the Spirit, fulfilled their calling and changed the face of this earth and are still changing it.
The Christian world in 2002,
especially in this country,
"Hosanna! Praise the Lord. Blessed
is he
It looks great ..... Christian radio,
Christian T.V.
Christian sex manuals,
Christian church
buildings all over the
"What's in it for
me? Is it meeting my needs?"
Hold up the cross to
Christendom and it runs the other
Meanwhile, Jesus, the
same yesterday, today and forever,
- that leads to life, - that leads into the Father's presence, - that leads to much fruit and unspeakable joy.
"Lo, I come to do
your will.
Consequently, when
Christ came into the
"Lo, I have come to
do thy will, 0 God. I
Jesus died on that cross, rose from the grave, sent the Holy Spirit,
sends the Spirit
among us now so
that we can forsake
"Lo, I have come to do your will."
1. I have come to do
your will because your will is the
"He who saves his life
loses his life and he
And this is the
testimony, that God gave us 1 John 5:11-12
To have the Son is to walk in his will. To believe in the Son is to walk in his will. Peter was a dead man until he left his old life to follow Jesus....that was the day of his birth into life. Matthew was a dead man until he left his old life to follow Jesus...that was the day he came alive. Mary Magdalene was a dead woman until she forsook her old ways to follow Jesus....that was the hour she began to live.
Jesus is the will of
God. And walking in his will is life.
"Lo, I have come to do your will!"
2. I have come to
do your will because Your will is the journey.
Much easier than the way
of pride.
Much easier than the
way of greed.
"My yoke is easy, and my burden is light."
"If you keep my
commandments you will abide in
The will of God is not grief, - but joy, not loneliness, - but joy, not frustration, - but joy.
To say, "Lo, I come to
do thy will 0
God," is not Joy in all seasons.
Joy in the fat
3. I have
come to do your will because your will is a
.....a cross where self
dies and my anger and
my fear
"Don't be afraid to deny
yourself, take up
The hour has come for
the Son of man to be glorified.... Any prophet,
any preacher who offers you glory
deceiving you,
cheating you. The place where the glory of God comes
to rest upon
us is
up to death for Jesus'
sake, so that the life
4. I have come to do your will because
your will is the
heals . the sick, raises the dead.
Jesus didn't go to
seminars to learn how to heal the sick.
"Lo, I have come to do your will,"
and as he did it, the poor heard the good news, the captives were freed, the blind received sight, the oppressed were delivered.
We carry resurrection
life simply by doing the will of life, grace and peace.
And so, this Palm Sunday
while Jerusalem rings with
"Lo, I have come to do your will 0 God...."
....your will, not mine.
- How long are you going
to sit there and lick
- How long are you going
to nurse your hurt
- How long are you going
to use your loneliness
- The door to life is open .... enter it.
- Will you receive the yoke of the Lamb, the Spirit of the Lamb, and press on to answer the call of the living God that burns in your heart right now?
"Lo, I have come to do your will 0 God!"