We know that in everything
God works for good with Romans 8:28-30
When we think of all things working
for good we often
the battle, all things somehow producing a miracle.
And the miracle:
destined to be conformed to
the image of his
The miracle produced by the "all
things" here is a new
Where is this new race to be found?
In heaven? One day
After this I looked, and behold, a great multitude
which no man could number,
from every nation,
belongs to our God who sits
upon the throne,
Then one of the elders
addressed me, saying,
they who have come out of the
great tribulation;
his presence. They shall
hunger no more,
There is coming a day when those
people whose lives
- hunger no more,
and never again know anything but blazing life.
But is this the first place we see
them? ... in heaven?
- every place where they walk, - every place where they gather, - ever place where they live and work,
is a doorway to the very glory of God.
We're not talking about
churchianity, we're talking about
But you are a chosen race, a
royal priesthood,
All this relates to the changes that are hopefully going on in our lives right now. Perhaps we’re asking, "Where are you leading us Lord? What are you bringing forth?" And the answer is:
"I am bringing forth believers who are so conformed to the image of my Son that no one with eyes to see can miss it.
I am raising people who bear the marks of the new race of the brethren of the Lamb."
This is something God is doing.
For those whom he foreknew he
also predestined
....he foreknew, he justified, he glorified .... through the, "all things"...through the flame, the trial, the confusion.
Does this mean it's automatic? Not quite.
In all things God works for
good for those
All things become redemptive when we.....
1. Love God.....and 2. We love God so much that we answer his call.
As history moves toward its final
crisis there is a
We know that in everything
God works for
Predestined ... what does this
mean? Does this mean we're ,
"You are the salt of the earth....."
He predestined you to be the salt
of the earth, but if
"You are the light of the world...."
He predestined you to be the light of the world, but
if you play it safe by keeping your
light under a bushel given to someone who will put it on a stand.
and washed away our sins in his blood,
and broke the hold of evil on our
Jesus is pouring his Spirit on us
afresh today. The
- a new race, - a royal priesthood, - a holy nation ... God's own people,
for the purpose of manifesting God's light to the world.
If we are part of this new race,
- we are not brought into it as
zombies, - we are not brainwashed members of some cult;
we enter this race, receive this
transformation with
We know that in everything
God works for
If we love God, if we are answering
God's call, it shows
If we love God, if we are answering God's call, we
I appeal to you therefore,
brethren, by the
When Peter left his fishing boat,
Matthew his tax office ..... this
was a bodily, a
In one way or another Babylon and
the king of Babylon
"My body is no longer mine, but
yours. I
Who does your body belong to? Who do you serve? Who ever or whatever rules your body is your God, true God or an idol.
2. If we love God and are answering God's call, we freely submit our minds to Jesus' lordship.
Do not be conformed to this
world, but be Romans 12:2
For many of us, Babylon became the
keeper of our minds
Babylon still tells us what to
But now we become Jesus' disciples
... his pupils ... he is
"If you continue in my word (do it), then you are my disciples indeed, and you shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free."
3. If we
love God and are answering God's call, we
Rejoice in the Lord always;
again I will say,
So, as we head for work, as we answer the phone,
as we walk down the street, scrub
floors, change
If we love God and are answering God's call, we
For by the grace given to me
I bid every one body in Christ. He is the
head. He is Lord: He and prosper our work if we submit to his lordship over
us. And as Jesus rules our
corporate life, all things
5. If we love God and are answering
God's call, we
And Jesus came and said to
them, "All authority
lo, I am with you always, to
the close of the age."
"Some day, when my affairs are in
order, and my
.....0 yeah? Jesus' command,
"Go therefore and make disciples of all nations,”
is not for someday, but for now. He
is Lord over our disposal.... Jesus himself is with us.
As the world moves toward its final
crisis, the Lord is
Jesus is the first-born among many
brethren: If we love we give him our bodies, we give him our minds, we give him our daily life, we give him our life together,