My omnipotent Lord, enable me to do what, apart from
Thy enabling, is impossible. Yet since it is Thy
will I can ask in the utmost confidence. I would be
detached from everything that would hinder me, and
therefore hinder Thee, in the accomplishment of Thy purpose.
Let me be willing that Self should be completely
dethroned in my life. When I have sometimes thought
the victory was won, I have found to my humiliation
that I was still in bondage to my old enemy. He is
too strong and subtle for me. Do Thou, therefore,
cleanse the temple of my being as Thou didst in the
days of Thy flesh. Drive out all the buyers and
sellers, and make my heart a house of prayer.
Teach me the life of absolute dependence upon Thee.
I am so prone to creaturely activity and creaturely
self-assertion. I have so often failed to realize
that apart from Thee I can do nothing.
My Master, lead me to Thy door;
Pierce this now willing ear once more:
Thy bonds are freedom; let me stay
With thee, to toil, endure, obey.
May I show my devotion to Thee by my love of Thy Word,
and by my glad and quick obedience to Thy sayings.
May I never pick and choose among Thy commands, but
regard every Word of Thine as binding upon me. To
this end help me patiently and diligently to study
Thy precepts; to be as glad to come to Thee for law
as for life; and to remember that Thy commandments
are not grievous.
Let me never through carelessness or self-indulgence
be disapproved; but, submitting to the discipline
of the Holy Spirit, may I lay aside every weight;
run the heavenly race; and at last finish the course
and win the crown. I ask this in the Name of Jesus
my Savior and King.
Amen (author unknown)